MISAC 2019 has marked the 11th consecutive year that Intelesys has attended the MISAC event.


MISAC Commitee asks Intelesys's President to deliver presentation

The MISAC Commitee had reached out to Rick Balzer, our company's president, and asked if he would be interested in delivering a presentation to the many attendees in Monterey this year. His topic was on, "Positioning IT Expenses as Investments", here are a few key points of the presentation:


What is an Expense vs Investment?


Expense - an amount of money needed or used to do or buy something; cost


Investment - the act of putting money or effort into something to make a profit or achieve a result


In other words, an expense is a "Thing", an investment is "What it does for you".


Develop "Standard of Management", NOT product requests

For example making standards such as:

  • Device Lifespan is "X number of years"
  • Percent of Operating Systems on Support is "X%"
  • Outage Recovery is tested every "X days"

Let's assume that this year 100 desktops are outside of the limits of the "Standards of Management" and it will cost $100,000 to get all of them in compliance. However, the council approves only $60,000 for the desktops, so one of two things needs to happen this year.

  1. The remaining $40,000 needs to be found elsewhere in the budget 
  2. This year's "Standard of Management" needs to be adjusted


Turning Expenses into an Investment Guide

Step 1 - Define what the acquisition does, not what it is

New computers aren't just for show, they increase computing power. Let's say these old computers are wasting about 5 minutes per hour of each employees day. 5 minutes x 40 hours a week x 52 weeks in a year x 100 computers = 2,808,000 minutes wasted per year = 46,800 hours x $30/hour avg salary = $1.4 million per year in wasted time waiting old computers to load.

Step 2 - Define what it is not doing that needs to be done

The new computers will not be increasing the level of security.

Step 3 - Define what happens if nothing changes

If nothing happens we will be wasting $1.4 million per year on lost productivity.

Step 4 - Conduct an ROI model

ROI = $1,400,000 / $100,000 = 1400%



Why have we attended MISAC 11 years in a row?

It's simple, we have made it our mission to maintain the deepest understanding possible of the industry we serve. This understanding cannot simply be obtained from a Google search, a webinar, or even from the first-hand experience of actually filling Public Sector positions including a CIO role (which we do daily). This level of understanding comes from speaking with hundreds of Public Sector employees and hearing about each of their unique IT environments, listening to the important lessons and insights taught from the select few presenters, and from knowing what new products exist to solve the Public Sector problems.


Year after year MISAC has given us a one-of-a-kind big picture perspective that we haven't been able to find anywhere else.