Web Browsing Safety

Web Security

For most professionals, the Internet has become an important tool that is used heavily in day-to-day applications.  However, lurking beneath the surface of the content we rely on is a network of threats and security concerns that we all need to be aware of.  End users within your organization must be diligent in their browsing practices to ensure they don't inadvertently stumble into dangerous territory or fall prey to the attempts that exist to steal data or access to information.

Our Web Browsing Safety training programs cover a number of topics:

  • Overview of threats unsuspecting users can fall prey to online.
  • How to confirm that sites are using sufficient security before you provide sensitive information.
  • Best practices for managing credentials and passwords across many different websites.
  • Common techniques threat actors use to lure users into compromising sites.
  • Tips you can employ to identify links to potentially malicious site before you click on them.
  • How to identify and report cyber crime.