Asset Management

Asset Rick Assessment

Asset management lets organizations track of all their assets, including where the assets are located, how they are used, and when changes were made to them.

Inventory reports can be created for budgeting depreciation, as well as information for insurers or lease financiers. Manage assets from different locations in an accurate and effective manner

Once assets are scrapped or sold, they can be removed from the records and books of the organization.

Maintenance optimization can be achieved with detailed asset management, ensuring the proper tracking of cycles.  Overdoing it can bring significant costs. On the other hand, under-maintenance can lead to reduced productivity.


Asset management includes the management of the risks connected with the use and ownership of the assets. Knowledge of asset condition and function allows for the best overall strategy for optimal operation.

Deleting obsolete assets in inventory gives an accurate view of what is one hand, and provides for removal if items have been lost or stolen commonly referred to as ghost assets.

Asset Utilization and Capacity



Asset Utilization and Capacity